The COVID-19 is an unprecedented globally shared phenomenon that has disrupted lives across all countries and communities. It has negatively impacted global economic growth and put countries into recession. Many problems arise due to COVID-19, so people need to adapt by adhering to new health protocols and making lifestyle changes. Hence, entrepreneurs have to get creative with their business models to address these newfound problems and achieve sustainability in such volatile times. Therefore, Pitch First 2021 adapts the theme:

Creating Sustainable Business Models Through the Pandemic

Through this event, we hope to provide Future Business Leaders with the knowledge and opportunity to build sustainable business concepts that offer solutions to the existing or prospective problems in society. It could be by creating more job opportunities, or even better, by making new market segments that might compete globally and help turn the wheel of the economy.

This year, we will be holding the 5th Pitch First. It is going to be bigger and more competitive because: 

  • We aim to reach 40 teams across ASEAN countries
  • We promote healthy competition and also encourage advancement in the learning process by providing  workshops with keynote speakers to give the participants essential skills and knowledge to form the framework and pitch their business plan